Welcome to the first monthly State SMOB Newsletter! If you would like to read this edition on Mailchimp, please click here.
Board of Education Report
This past month our State SMOB Jason Wu delivered an update to the board of education covering a variety of topics. Many students gave their perspectives on virtual learning with many students, reporting that teachers have been extremely supportive and flexible navigating through these unprecedented times. We want to commemorate our educators who have been the backbone holding our school system up and supporting our students. Click here to watch the full report!
State Superintendent Search
The Maryland State Board of Education is searching for the next State Superintendent and held virtual community forums to gather public input, which occurred on December 22, 2020, January 5, 2021, and January 7, 2021. MSDE was working with search firm Greenwood/Asher & Associates to gain community insight to help identify a leadership profile and characteristics necessary to help lead the State’s education system. Questions that were considered included:
What are the challenges and opportunities the next superintendent will face?
What characteristics and qualifications should the next superintendent have?
What distinguishes the Maryland Public School system?
What must the next superintendent accomplish over the next one to three years in order to be viewed as a success.
SMOB Voting Rights
Sixteen current Maryland SMOBs have published a joint statement regarding the recent attack on the voting rights of the Howard County SMOB. The SMOB represents students, the largest and most important stakeholder group, and is, therefore, one of the most vital board positions, granting students “a voice, a vote, and a stake in their education.” The voting ability of the SMOB solidifies the Board’s responsibility to listen to students. Student Members have existed with established voting rights in Maryland for almost 50 years, and to jeopardize these rights based on how a SMOB votes insults the democratic nature of Boards of Education and delegitimizes SMOB positions across the state. Click here to read the full statement on Twitter.
SMOB Student Council
SMOB Student Council (SSC) meets every first Saturday of every month with Jason Wu, who is the current State SMOB. Our last meeting was held on Saturday, February 6th, from 10-11:30. We were excited to have Strong Schools Maryland join us as a guest speaker. The Student Council has also recently voted on updated graduation requirements, which you can read on Instagram here. Please contact Jason Wu if you are interested in attending these meetings!